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Physio Rehab | Videos | Daily REHAB Workouts
Overhead Shoulder Stability and Strength Exercises for Swimmers | 26-Oct-2024
Prone Y - 150deg Isometrics, Prone "I" - 180 Isometrics, Internal Rotation at 135 deg - Double Band
My Top 4 Strengthening Exercises for Plantar Fasciitis | 15-Oct-2024
Arch Raises, Arch Raises Off Step, Eccentric Calf Raises off Step, Mountain Climbers
Top 4 Exercises for Patello-femoral Joint Pain | 27-Sep-2024
Step Down (Regression), One Leg Ball Squat (Regression), Physio Lunge (Regression), Knee Extension (Power band / Eccentric)
MCL and LCL Knee Ligament Mid-Stage Injury Rehab | 15-Sep-2024
Step Down (lateral band), Lateral Step Up, BOSU Side Step, Medial and Lateral Hops
Best Relief Exercises for Piriformis Syndrome | 01-Sep-2024
Trigger POint Ball Releaase, Piriformis Stretch, Sciatic Nerve Floss (Rotation), Clams, Hip Abduction in Flexion
4 Safe Exercises for Knee Meniscus Tear Rehab | 13-Aug-2024
Front Squat (Kettlebells), Physio Lunge, Step Down, Knee Extensions (Power Band)
Serratus Anterior Exercises for Beginners | 30-Jul-2024
Scapula Press - Wall and Floor, 1 Arm Scapula Press - Wall and Floor / Banded 1 Arm Scapula Press Banded (Supine and Standing)
3 Glute Exercises Cyclists MUST DO! | 26-Jul-2024
Wall Hip Hitch (Pilates Ball), One Leg Band Squat, Hip Abduction (Banded) - Sidelying
Reducing the Painful Arc in Shoulder Impingement | 10-Jul-2024
Overhead Eccentric Abduction (Band Assist), Eccentric Abduction (60 deg)
Why are my Hips Shifting in a Squat | 05-Jul-2024
3 Things to Consider
Train your BRAIN for Better Spinal Stability | 19-Jun-2024
The definitive guide for the Bird Dog
Fix Your Pelvic Drop During Running | 26-May-2024
Banded Hip Abduction - Standing, One Leg Ball Squat, Side Plank (Knees), Side Plank (Push / Pull)
Improve Your External Rotation Strength in a Shoulder Press | 27-Apr-2024
Side Sprinter Overhead (Lateral Band), Shoulder Press (Lateral Band), Shoulder Press ER 90 Deg (Anterior Band)
Top 4 Advanced Exercises for Hamstring Tendinopathy Rehab | 21-Apr-2024
Single Leg Elevated Bridge, Single Leg Deadlift, Hip Extension with Knee Flexion (banded), End Range Hip Extension (Supine Supported - Banded)
Eccentric Loading Options for the Long Head of Biceps Tendon | 14-Apr-2024
Eccentric Scaption - Standing (Band), Eccentric Scaption - Supine (Dumbbell)
Powerband Glide to Improve Knee Flexion after Surgery | 02-Apr-2024
Power Band A-P Glide Tibia in a Lunge, Power Band A-P Glide Tibia in Kneeling, Power Band P-A Glide Tibia in Kneeling
3 Best Home Lumbar Spine Traction Options for Back Pain | 16-Mar-2024
Block Traction - Supine, Power Band Traction - Crook Lying, Partner Traction - Prone with Towel
Acute Shoulder Subluxation - Week 1 Essential Exercises | 12-Mar-2024
Cuff Isometrics - Internal Rotation, Cuff Isometrics - External Rotation, 1 Arm Raise in 4 Point Kneeling, End Range Banded Shoulder Extension
Return to Running after a Calf or Achilles Injury | 24-Feb-2024
Assisted Calf Raise off Step, Mountain Climbers - Incline Isometrics, Hop Forwards, Mini Tramp Hops
Top 4 Exercises for VMO (Quadriceps) Activation and Strength | 05-Feb-2024
Terminal Knee Extension (TKE) Isometrics - Lying, TKE Isometrics - Standing (Pilates Ball), Step Down - Power Band, Eccentric Knee Extension - Power Band
Sports Specific Strengthening for Swimmers | 20-Jan-2024
Internal Rotation - 90 deg, Overhead Pull Throughs - 180 deg, Extension - Height, Internal Rotation High to Low Crossover, External Rotation - 135 deg
Top 4 Essential Pre-Run Stretches | 15-Jan-2024
Hip Flexion / Quadriceps Combination, Pigeon on Bench, Gastrocs off Step, Hamstrings in Lumbar Flexion
Stretches for a Stiff Lower Back in the Morning | 09-Jan-2024
Lumbar Rotation, Glutes - wall/sofa, Book Openers, Child's pose, QL stretch, Double Leg Floss
How to Correct Your Box Step Ups | 07-Dec-2023
Step Down, Physio Lunge, Step Down to Lunge, Step Ups
Frozen Shoulder Range Increase Through Resistance | 28-Nov-2023
Flexion - Supine Banded, Abduction - Supine Banded, External Rotation - Supine Banded
Fix Your Scapula Movement in a Push Up | 18-Nov-2023
Rotator Cuff Rehab with Shoulder Impingement | 22-Oct-2023
Internal Rotation (45/60deg) - Banded Postero-inferior Glide External Rotation (45/60deg) - Banded Postero-inferior Glide
Best 4 Glute Max Advanced Strenghening Exercises | 15-Oct-2023
Banded Clams with Elevated Heels, Hip Extension in 4 Point (Band), Single Leg Hip Thrust, Step Down into a Lunge
Lumbar Spine Strengthening for Return to Deadlifts and Squats | 06-Oct-2023
Single Leg Reverse Hip Extensions, BOSU Skydive, Swisss Ball Skydive
Restore your Full Shoulder ROM and Strength Overhead | 19-Sep-2023
Prone ‘Y’ Liftovers, Prone ‘I’ Liftovers, Skydive Abduction, Overhead powerband Extension Pulls
Scapula Press Exercise Progression for Serratus Anterior and Winging | 27-Aug-2023
2 Arms - Wall / Band, 1 Arm - Wall / Ball / Band, 2 Arms - Floor / Band, 1 Arm - Floor / Ball / Band
Hips and Hammies Strengthening for Runners | 06-Aug-2023
Single leg hip extension standing, Hamstring curls on the ball, Single leg hip thrust, Straight leg heel taps, Banded A steps
How to Reboot Your Core When You Have Back Pain | 21-Jul-2023
Knee Floats, Bird Dogs, Planks on Knees, Side Planks on Knees
How To Improve Lumbar Spine Flexion After Back Pain | 10-Jul-2023
Lumbar Rotation - Knees in Flexion, Repeated Flexions - 1 Leg Up in Standing, Repeated Flexions - Double Leg Supine, Repeated Flexions - Double Leg Decline, QL Stretch
Serratus Strengthening in an Overhead Shoulder Press | 27-Jun-2023
Foam Roller Wall Press, Foam Roller Wall Press - Band
Tackling the TFL - Mobility and Rehab | 15-Jun-2023
TFL Foam Roller Release, TFL Trigger Point Ball Release, Sidelying Abduction Raise, Sidelying Abduction Raise (band), 1 Leg Hip Htich - pilates ball
Reduce Tension Headaches - Prevention Exercises | 05-May-2023
Bodyball Sub-Occiptal Release, Bodyball CT Junction Mobilisation, Banded Isometric Retraction in Kneeling
Correct Form for Shoulder External Rotation Strengthening | 12-Apr-2023
External Rotation - 0 Deg, External Rotation - 45 Deg, External Rotation - 90 Deg
Two of the Best Mobility Exercises for Increasing Knee Flexion ROM | 02-Mar-2023
Quadriceps Stretch - Kneeling (Wall), Knee Flexion - Kneeling (Wall)
Mobility Hack for your Hip Flexors and Adductors | 18-Feb-2023
Trigger Point Release - Hip Flexors, Trigger Point Release - Adductors
How to Progress a Glute Bridge from 2 to 1 Leg | 09-Feb-2023
Glute Bridges, Glute Bridge - Transition 1 leg to 1 leg, Glute Bridge - Elevated, Glute Bridge - Swiss Ball
Adduction Mobility with Hip OA | 03-Feb-2023
Hip Adduction - Bench (Band), Hip FADIR (Band), Hip Flexion ER (Band)
Improve Your Neck Extension Mobility and Strength | 24-Jan-2023
Foam Roller Retraction-Extension, Prone Banded Retraction-Extension
Best Exercises for Quadricep and Patella Tendon Rehab | 11-Jan-2023
Banded TKE (Total Knee Extension), Isometric Band Extension, Eccentric Band Extension, Eccentric Step Down, Eccentric Decline Board Step Down
Top 5 Exercises for Hamstring Tears | 21-Dec-2022
Isometric Band Curls, Eccentric Band Curls, Single Leg Deadlift (band), Elevated Bridges - double to single leg, Hamstring curls - swiss ball double to single leg
Box Hop Plyometrics for Single Leg Knee Strength and Stability | 14-Dec-2022
Single Leg Side Box Jump - Medial and Lateral, Single Leg Rotation Box Jump, Left and Right
Restoring Elbow Extension and Flexion Mobility after Surgery | 05-Dec-2022
Tricep Banded Extension with Powerband Glide, Flexion Mobility with Powerband Glide
Glute Medius Isolated Open-chain Strengthening | 08-Nov-2022
Sidelying Hip Abduction, Sidelying Hip Abduction (Banded), Standing Hip Abduction - Single Leg (Banded)
Increase Your Shoulder External Rotation ROM | 22-Oct-2022
Banded External Rotation Mobility (supine - supported)
McKenzie Self-Overpressure for Lumbar Spine Extension ROM and Stiffness | 12-Oct-2022
McKenzie Extension in Lying - Towel Overpressure, McKenzie Extension in Lying - Barbell Overpressure
Top 3 McKenzie Exercises for Lumbar Spine Disc Bulge | 10-Sep-2022
Lumbar Rotation - Sustained, Prone sustained McKenzie Extension on elbows / “McKenzie’s” - Passive Lumbar Extension, Side Glides in Standing
Home Traction Hacks for the Lumbar Spine | 04-Sep-2022
Therapist Traction - Seatbelt, Partner Traction - Towel, Band Traction - Powerband
The No.1 Chest and Pecs Stretch | 21-Aug-2022
W Stretch - Foam Roller, W Stretch - Floor, W Stretch - Doorway
Best 4 Hamstring Stretches for Sciatic Nerve Tension Problems | 11-Aug-2022
Hamstrings - Standing, Hamstrings - Kneeling, Hamstrings - Pole / Door, Hamstrings - Powerband
Acute Low Back Pain - Muscle Spasm Release Routine | 07-Aug-2022
Pelvic Tilts, Controlled Rotations, Pelvic Rocks, Back Block Traction
Improve Your Lunge with Glute Strength | 10-Jul-2022
Physio Lunge - Lateral Ball
Fix Your Neck Pain and Posture - Best Strength and Stability Exercises | 21-Jun-2022
Side Flexion - Isometric Ball, Retraction - Isometric Ball, (Flexion / Protraction - Isometric Ball
Shoulder Internal Rotation Strength and ROM | 16-Jun-2022
Hand Behind Back (Band Assisted), Hand Behind Back (Supine overpressure), Internal Rotation (Theraband - Inner Range), HBB Wall Push Off
Rotation Strength for Lumbar Spine Instability | 26-May-2022
Side Plank (Knees) Band Pull, Side Plank (Feet) Band Pull, Side Plank (Knees) Band Press, Side Plank (Feet) Band Press,
Low Back Strength - Prone Isometric Hold Hack | 20-May-2022
Lumbar Extension / Prone Isometric Holds
Best Stretch For Your QL (Quadratus Lumborum) | 09-May-2022
QL and Extensors
Perfect Your Deep Abdominals for Spinal Stability | 30-Apr-2022
Knee Float Table Top
Hamstring Curls - Open Chain Strengthening Band Progression | 21-Apr-2022
Isometric Holds, Eccentric Curls, Concentric Curls
How To Do the Skater Squat | 01-Apr-2022
Skater Squat, Skater Squat - Powerband Load
Sit to Stand Progressions for Knee Rehab | 19-Mar-2022
Split stance sit to stand, Sit to stand - 1 leg eccentric, Single leg sit to stand
LHB Tendon Shoulder Rehab Exercises for Injury Prevention | 02-Mar-2022
Front Sprinter - Standing (2 bands), Internal Rotation - Supine Dumbbell, KB Scapula Press - Supine, Extension (2 bands)
Best 3 Pelvic Stability Exercises for Runners | 23-Feb-2022
Single Leg Hip Flexion 90deg - Standing (band), Single Leg Hip Extension - Standing (band), Paloff Press - Half Kneeling (band)
Single Leg Exercise Hack for Patello-femoral Knee Pain | 25-Jan-2022
Step Down - pole, Physio Lunge - pole, One Leg Ball Squat - pole
Back and Hip Stretches for Holidays | 06-Jan-2022
Thoracic Extension (angle), Rotation - Lumbar and Thoracic, Hip Flexion ER (supported) Pigeon Stretch (elevated)
Knee Control - How to Stop it Rolling In | 22-Dec-2021
Clams - Supine (band), Crab Walks (band), Step Down (lateral band), Skater Squat
Best Rehab Exercises for Tricep Tendinopathy | 26-Nov-2021
Mid-range isometric elbow extension 1 arm scapula press (4pt) 1 arm eccentric wall push up 1 arm eccentric bench push up Eccentric band push downs Bar mobility
Improve your Hamstring Nordic Curls using bands | 19-Nov-2021
Assisted Nordic Curls - 2 Leg Assisted Nordic Curls - 1 Leg
The Calf Raise - Exercise Progression | 03-Nov-2021
Isometric - 2 Legs, Calf Raise - 2 Legs Floor, Calf Raise - 2 Legs Step, Eccentric - Floor, Eccentric - step, Soleus Raises,
Hip Flexor Injuries - The Right Strength Exercises | 22-Oct-2021
Isometric Holds, Pelvic Push Pulls, Isometric Resisted, Eccentric Lowers, Concentric Raises - banded, Standing Flexion - banded
Correcting Lunges when you have Patello-femoral Knee Pain - Pt. 2 | 03-Oct-2021
Physio Lunge (lateral band), Physio Lunge - KB Load, Physio Lunge - Banded Load
Correcting Lunges when you have Patello-femoral Knee Pain - Pt. 1 | 02-Oct-2021
Physio Lunge, Physio Lunge (regression)
A-P Oblique Slings - Essential Spinal Stability Exercises | 17-Sep-2021
Dead Bug, Bird Dog
My Top 4 Rotator Cuff Exercises | 29-Aug-2021
1 Arm Scapula Press - 4 point / ball, Internal Rotation 90 deg - double band / ROM, External Rotation 45 Deg, Scaption - dumbell
Ankle Sprain Rehab - Banded Strengthening | 18-Aug-2021
Banded Inversion - Standing Banded Eversion - Standing
Home Rehab and Strength Workout #3 | 15-Jul-2021
1 Arm Scapula Press (Ball), Bent Over Row (Powerband), Ball Roll Outs / Ab Wheel band assist, One Leg Ball Squat (Powerband), Cuff Oscillations (Int / Ext), Side Plank Clams,
Home Rehab and Strength Workout #2 | 11-Jul-2021
External Rotation, Dead Bug Toes Taps (Band), RDL (KB + Powerband), 1 Arm Pull Down (Powerband), Hip Extensions (Reverse), Physio Lunges (KB + Powerband),
Home Rehab and Strength Workout #1 | 04-Jul-2021
Squats (KB + Powerband), Bird Dog (Powerband), BW Rows, 1 Arm Chest Press (KB + Theraband + powerband), 1 Leg Deadlift (KB + Theraband), Plank Walks (Powerband),
Neural Mobility Exercises to Increase Lumbar Flexion | 30-Jun-2021
Sciatic Nerve Flossing in Rotation, Double Leg Flexion Flossing
Calf Foam Roller - Soft Tissue Release | 27-Jun-2021
Hip Adductor (Groin) Exercise Strengthening Progression | 21-Jun-2021
Ball/Wall Press - Kneeling (Isometric), Ball Squeezes (Isometric), Hip Adduction (Banded) Copenhagens - Short Lever Copenhagens - Long Lever
Best Gluteus Medius Activation Exercise | 02-Jun-2021
Side Leg Raises, One Leg Ball Squat - Isometric One Leg Squat - Isometric (Wall)
Correct Your Squat Pt.2 | 16-May-2021
Swiss Ball Roll Outs, Single Leg Hamstring Curls (Banded), Hip Flexor Stretch, QL / Extensor Stretch
Correct Your Squat - Pt.1 | 12-May-2021
Neutral Spine Sitbacks
Too Much Trap and a Winging Scap | 01-May-2021
1 Arm Scapula Press - 4 Pt (Depression Band) Bird Dog (Depression Band) Push Up - Knees (Depression Band)
Tight Shoulders Mobility and Rehab Fix | 23-Apr-2021
Posterior Rotator Cuff and Deltoid - Trigger Point Ball Release, Tricep / Upper Arm - Mini Roller Release, Banded Extensions, External Rotation - 45 Degrees
Achey and Sore Back Mobility and Rehab Fix | 18-Apr-2021
Thoracic Rotations, Scapula Press, Thread The Needle, Bird Dog, Glute Stretch, McGill Curl Up,
Knee Internal Rotation Movement Hack | 14-Apr-2021
Shoulder External Rotation in Flexion Mobility | 18-Mar-2021
Using Bands for Hip Hinges and Deadlifts | 27-Feb-2021
Hip Hinge Banded, Hip Hinge + RDL Banded
Landmine Press - The Safest Open Chain Shoulder Strengthening Exercise | 17-Feb-2021
Fix Your Pull Ups with Scapula Pull Ups | 07-Feb-2021
Scap Pull, 1 Arm Vertical Scap Pull (band) Double Scap Pull (band)
Barbell Hip Thrust - Correct Pelvic Position and Load Tips | 29-Jan-2021
Barbell Hip Thrust
How to do a Supported Single Leg Deadlift | 09-Jan-2021
Bicep Tendinopathy Strengthening Exercises | 21-Dec-2020
Isometric Flexion - Fixed Barbell, Barbell Bicep Curl - Fixed Bar, Banded Bicep Curls - Pronation Bias
Shoulder Press Overhead Stability Progressions | 18-Dec-2020
Side Sprinter - Lateral Band, Overhead Side Sprinter - Lateral Band, KB Shoulder Press - Lateral Band, Shoulder Press - Lateral Band - Upside down KB
Wrist Pain and Injury Pt. 2 - Exercises | 08-Dec-2020
Wrist Extension - Powerband PA Glide, Wrist Flexion - Powerband AP Glide, Y-Bell Push Up
ACL + Knee Injury - Return to Sport Tests Pt.2 | 04-Dec-2020
Star Excursion Test, Single Leg Sit to Stand Test for Endurance, Single Leg Elevated Bridge Test for Endurance
First Aid for Low Back Pain with a Hip Shift | 12-Nov-2020
Side Glides (wall), Lumbar Rotation (knees), McKenzie Extension (prone)
Lumbar Spine Extensor Strengthening | 27-Oct-2020
Swiss Ball Y's, Swiss Ball 4 point Hip Extension, Bed Supported Single Leg Extension, Open Chain Hip-Back Extension / load Closed Chain Hip-Back Extension - without / with load
Anterior Core Strength for Pelvic Tilt | 10-Oct-2020
Knee Float, Table Top, Dead Bug, Dead Bug - Band Pull
Terminal Knee Extension (TKE) Exercises Explained | 30-Sep-2020
Quad Squeezes, Knee Extension + Raise, Total Knee Extension - Powerband, Total Knee Extension - Soft Ball / Swiss Ball
Isometric Strength Exercises for Neck Pain | 17-Sep-2020
Deep Neck Extensors (Prone), Retraction Isometrics - Standing (Foam Pad), Side Flexion Isometrics - Kneeling (Band), Flexion Ball Holds (Isometric) - Supine
Activate your Lower Traps | 10-Sep-2020
1 Arm Skydive, 1 Arm Scap Row (Angle), Foam Roller Lower Trap Pulldown
Suspension Supine Rows 2 Arm to 1 Arm | 26-Aug-2020
TRX 2 Arm Row, TRX 1 Arm eccentric Row, TRX 1 Arm Row
Hamstring training at home | 05-Aug-2020
Supine closed chain bridge rolls, Sitting single leg band curls, Supine open chain ball curls (2 leg and one leg)
Challenge your pressing movement. | 30-Jul-2020
1 Arm Scap Press - Supine (lateral band), 1 Arm KB Chest Press - Supine (lateral band)
1 Leg Stability in a Bridge / Hip Extension | 06-Jul-2020
Single Leg Glute Bridge Single Leg Hip Extension Single Leg Hip Extension (Ball)
Adding a Powerband to Single Knee Rehab | 07-Jun-2020
One Leg Ball Squat (Banded load) Single Leg Deadlift (Banded load + weight) Step Down (Banded load + weight)
Leg Strength Band Alternative to Machines | 27-May-2020
Leg Press (Banded), Single Leg Press - Sitting (Banded), Hamstring Curls - Prone (Banded), Single Leg Press - Standing (Banded), Wall Squat - Isometric (Banded)
Back + Core Rehab Pt.2 - Control + Stability | 18-May-2020
Bird Dog (squares / circles), Controlled Rotations (table top), Hip Extension 4-pt, Hip Extension 4-pt (band).
Shoulder Rehab Post-op Weeks 17-20 Set B | 10-May-2020
External Rotation 60 deg (Post-inf Bandded glide), Sub Scap Wall Push Off, Front Press (band), Wall Band Pull Aparts
Hip and Knee Strength + Control for Runners | 05-May-2020
Step Down, Step Down (Banded Load) One Leg Ball Squat, TKE (Band), Step Down TKE (band)
Shoulder Rehab Weeks 17-20 - Set A | 25-Apr-2020
Flexion (Banded post-glide), Lower Trap Pulldown (roller), Supine 1 Arm KB Scap Press, 1 Arm Hand Behind Back Skydive
Back + Core Rehab Pt.1 - Strength Essentials | 22-Apr-2020
Front Plank - Knees / Incline, Side Plank - Sofa / Bench, Leg Float + Slide - Isometrics, McGill Curl Up
The Best Leg Stretches for Runners | 16-Apr-2020
Quads (kneeling), Hip Flexors (kneeling), Hip Flexion ER, Hip Flexor + Quadriceps, Glutes (wall), Hip Flexion ER2 (Pigeon - Table),
Shoulder Surgery Rehab Weeks 13-16 | 08-Apr-2020
Hand Behind Back (band), Chest / Pecs - Foam Roller, 1 Arm Scap Press (45 deg), External Rotation (45 deg), Internal Rotation (45 Deg) - Dumbell, Wall Angels
Which band should you use? | 06-Apr-2020
Therabands, Theratubing, Power Bands, Mini Loop Bands
Home Stretches for Low Back Pain: Pt.2 | 28-Mar-2020
Glutes - One Leg Straight, Hip ER
Home Stretches for Low Back Pain: Pt.1 | 26-Mar-2020
McKenzie Extension, Lumbar Rotation, QL / Extensors
Glute Med Eccentric Training | 24-Mar-2020
Crab Walk - Eccentric (band) - Knees / Ankles / Feet
Post-op Shoulder Weeks 11+12 | 12-Mar-2020
Routine for some of the 16 rehab exercises inside these 2 weeks of the rehab program
Shoulder Surgery - Week 8 Mobility | 16-Feb-2020
PA Abduction (standing), PA Flexion (standing), External Rotation (90 deg abd), AA Flexion, Flexion ER (90 deg), External Rotation (pole),
Workouts When You're Injured - Shoulder | 10-Feb-2020
Front Squat - 1 Arm KB, Deadlift - 1 Arm KB, Physio Lunge (banded load), Leg Slide (table top), Planks - 1 Arm, McGill Curl Up
Shoulder Surgery - Week 8 Rehab Exercises | 01-Feb-2020
A: Flexion, Abduction, External Rotation, Horiz Flexion, Elbow Flexion, B: One arm skydive, Skydive, 1 arm Bent-over Row, Scapula press, chest press, Retraction, Protraction
Hip Hinge - Spine Positition + Movement Hack | 22-Nov-2019
Hip Hinge (Wall), Romanian Deadlift (banded)
Load Options for the Bird Dog, | 18-Nov-2019
Bird Dog ("Arm and Leg Raise in 4 point") - Banded Double Push, Bird Dog ("Arm and Leg Raise in 4 point") - Banded Push-Pull
Progressing a Hip Hinge to a RDL using bands | 24-Oct-2019
Banded Hip Hinge, Banded RDL
How to do a Single Leg RDL and Progress it | 20-Oct-2019
SLRDL (Kettlebell), SLRDL (Banded), SLRDL (BOSU), SLRDL (Lateral Band)
Glute activation + pelvic stability with clams | 07-Oct-2019
Banded Single Clams (Supine)
Quadriceps mobility - progress + regress | 26-Sep-2019
Quadriceps kneeling - wall, Quadrcieps kneeling - BOSU, Hip Flexor - kneeling, Sofa Stretch, Sofa Stretch - advanced, Hip flexors + quadriceps
Long Lever Shoulder Stabilisation | 08-Sep-2019
Swiss Ball Scapula Press Circles
Eccentric Rotation ROM using a band | 22-Aug-2019
Internal Rotation (band) - 0 Deg Supine, Internal Rotation (band) - 45 Deg Supine, Internal Rotation (band) - 90 Deg Supine
Foam Roller Release for Pecs and Delts | 13-Aug-2019
Foam Roller Pecs (floor), Foam Roller Pecs (wall), Mini Roller Delts (wall)
One Leg Ball Squat: Progressions for Rehab | 17-Jul-2019
One Leg Ball Squat (static) One Leg Ball Squat (regression) One Leg Ball Squat (full)
Graduated Band Resistance for Leg Workouts | 09-Jul-2019
Front Squat (banded) Physio Lunge (banded) Step Down (banded)
Using a TRX to increase Depth in a Pistol Squat | 03-Jul-2019
Eccentric Pistol Squats (TRX) Assisted Crouch Squats (TRX)
T's + Y's for Postural Strength. Pt.2: "Y's" | 07-Jun-2019
Y’s to advance the T's and help you with postural strength to keep the shoulders in a good position when you are standing and sitting..
T's + Y's for Postural Strength. Pt.1: "T's" | 06-Jun-2019
T’s to help you with postural strength to keep the shoulders in a good position when you are standing and sitting, and how NOT to do them.
Modified QL Stretch for Stiff Lower Backs | 05-Jun-2019
Modify our infamous QL stretch but using a sofa or bed and dropping one leg off the side. Once it’s improved and you start getting more flexion then do the full stretch.
Ab Wheel Hack: Use Bands to Help | 17-May-2019
Start with powerbands and then as you get better with form and more confident simply take off bands and downgrade until you’re just using therabands.
Using a Slider to Improve your Single Leg Squat | 04-May-2019
Use the slider to keep the weight on the front foot, not the back and slide back into a reverse physio lunge.
Tips for Hyperlordotic Lower Backs + Ant. Tilt | 03-May-2019
Hip Flexor Stretch in Kneeling, QL / Extensor Stretch, Knee Float and Extend, Front Plank (Knees)
The right way to lift heavy off the floor | 09-Apr-2019
Special session to show you correctly position your body, engage your core and how to move when you are lifting from a deep squat position.
The right way to engage pelvic floor + core | 05-Feb-2019
Special session to show you correct pelvic floor engagement and activation of your transverses abdominus, and shw you what NOT to do
Lumbar spine position in flexion and a deadlift | 28-Jan-2019
Special education session on the importance of lumbar spine position into flexion (unloaded) and a deadlift (loaded), as well as when you have a lower back disc injury
Top Exercises for Sub-acute Rotator Cuff Tears | 09-Jan-2019
Scapula press in plank on knees, Scapular Rows with TRX, Abduction (isometric), Eccentric external rotation with band, Extension with band
Co-ordination + Endurance Rehab 4 Shoulders | 17-Nov-2018
External Rotation Oscillations (neutral), Double-arm Band Pulldown, Single Arm Med and Swiss Ball Press.
Mobility Recovery Routine for Leg Workouts | 05-Nov-2018
Hip Flexion ER2 (table pigeon), Hip Flexor / Quadriceps, Modified Table QL / Extensors, Gastrocs (Step)
Strengthening for Sore and Weak Necks | 24-Oct-2018
Deep Neck Flexors (supine), Deep Neck Extensors (prone), Deep Neck Extensors (4-point - band), Isometrics (all directions), Wall Leans.
Shoulder labral tear maintenance routine | 15-Oct-2018
1 Arm Scap press incline (band), External rotation (band), Extension (band), Side sprinter (band).
Fixing Knee Alignment in a Squat and Deadlift | 02-Oct-2018
Kettlebell Squats with lateral band (one leg), Hip External Rotation (one leg straight), Kettlebell Deadlifts with lateral band (one leg).
How to correct banded glute exercises | 11-Sep-2018
Banded hip abduction (4-point), 4 point arm and leg raise, Banded hip extension (4-point), Hip flexor stretch (kneeling)
Essential tricep tendonitis rehab exercises | 25-Aug-2018
Eccentric closed chain tricep press (bench) Eccentric tricep extension (band) Eccentric overhead tricep extension (band)
Stop neck tweaks from shoulder pressing | 14-Aug-2018
1 arm overhead / extension - foam roller, Trigger point ball - posterior cuff, TP ball - medial scap, 1 arm scap row (angle), Scap-shoulder press (ball), Wall band pull-aparts.
Lateral knee resistance for sport - P.2 | 23-Jul-2018
Band resisted lateral side jump (floor), Band resisted lateral box jump, Band resisted lateral BOSU side jump.
Lateral knee resistance for sport - P.1 | 06-Jul-2018
Band resisted lateral step, Band resisted lateral box step up, Band resisted BOSU side step.
Tennis Elbow Rehab Exercises | 28-Jun-2018
Eccentric Bicep curls - band open grip, Eccentric Tricep Curls - band open grip, 1 Arm Pull Down - band open grip, Push Up External Rotation - band open grip.
Banded load for single leg and shoulders | 21-May-2018
Step down - banded TKE, Shoulder diagonals, Banded shoulder press and squat combination
Correcting dynamic and walking lunges | 15-May-2018
Dynamic Physio Lunges, Walking Physio Lunges, Walking Physio Lunges with direction change
Improving shoulder press with a pulldown | 04-May-2018
One Arm Vertical Pull down
Holiday Bodyweight Training routine | 23-Apr-2018
One Arm Row - Closed Chain, Single Arm Eccentric Incline Push Up, Lateral Step Up, Single Leg Step down to Lunge with Rope support
Advanced Core Resistance Training | 11-Apr-2018
Arm and leg raise (bird-dog) in 4-point with band resistance - static / repetitions, Side plank (knees) with band resistance - static / repetitions, Front plank (lateral band).
Eccentric leg strengthening using machines | 05-Mar-2018
1) Eccentric single leg press (closed chain pin-loaded) 2) Eccentric sitting hamstring curl
Using rehab ex for pressing + pulling prep | 14-Feb-2018
1 Arm scapula press 4 point, 1 Arm standing band press, 1 Arm scapula row, 1 Arm pull down / row, Assisted chin ups using band
Mobility for Chronic Tension Headaches | 07-Feb-2018
Retractions (chin tucks) sitting, Cervical traction in supine - yoga block, Trigger point ball - sub-occipital region, Chest / Pecs on the Foam Roller, Upper trapezius stretching
Variable resistance + constant load rehab | 18-Jan-2018
KB deadlifts with hip hinged banded, Physio Lunges banded / KB loaded, Step down with band and KB, Squats with band and KB
Knee Mobility and Strength Maintenance | 05-Jan-2018
Hip flexor + quadriceps with external rotation, Child's pose, Step down with band resistance, Squats with band resistance
Advanced rotator cuff strengthening overhead | 19-Dec-2017
External rotation (45 deg), Diagonals (PNF), Single Arm Upright Y's
Desk Hack #3: Stretches at your Desk | 16-Dec-2017
Hip Flexor Stretches in kneeling, Quadriceps in kneeling, Extension in standing, Glutes in sitting
Desk Hack #2: Correct Workstation Set-up | 30-Nov-2017
Correct Ergonomic Workstation Set-up
Hip mobility with distraction band | 20-Nov-2017
Hip Flexors (band), Hip Flexion ER (band), Hip Flexion ER2 (pigeon - band)
Increasing shoulder mobility with impingement | 02-Nov-2017
Flexion post-glide (banded), Abduction post-glide (banded), Hand behind back post-glide (banded)
Patella and quadriceps tendon strengthening | 25-Oct-2017
VMO Total Knee Extension (TKE), One Leg Squat (eccentric / assisted), Step Down (regression), Decline Eccentric One Leg Squat.
Essential static anterior core strength basics | 15-Oct-2017
Plank, Roll outs, Side plank (feet).
Lower Limb Neural Tension Mobilisation | 08-Oct-2017
Sciatic nerve floss / mobilisation, Banded neural mobilisation, neural mobilisation in rotation, Hamstring stretching tips.
Ankle injury rehab and stability training | 28-Sep-2017
Single Leg Balance, Single Leg Compass, 1 Leg Balance on BOSU, Single Leg Compass on BOSU, Step down (BOSU), BOSU Side Steps,
Acute Lower back pain release routine | 26-Sep-2017
Pelvic tilts, Controlled rotations, Back block traction, Pelvic rocks (sitting)
Shoulder + Neck Desk Hack | 15-Sep-2017
Posterior cuff - trigger point ball release, Pec stretch - wall, Hand behind back, Table top, Chin tucks (retractions), Scalene stretch
Achilles tendon + calf tear strengthening | 12-Sep-2017
Gastroc stretch (step), Gastroc stretch (floor), Calf Raise (eccentric - step), Calf raise (eccentric - floor)
Top 4 exercises for Glute activation | 07-Sep-2017
Clams / clams (band), Glute bridges (band), Prone Glute leg raise, Hip extension in 4-point (band)
Self-help for tennis elbow (epicondylosis) | 04-Sep-2017
Wrist extensor stretch, Flexion prayer stretch, Trigger point ball release forearm, Eccentric wrist extension, Open palm push and pull
On-mountain stretches for skiers + boarders | 01-Sep-2017
Hip Flexion with external rotation, Quadriceps in standing (rectus femoris), Calves, Lower back extensors / QL - one side and double leg
Ski + snowboard training quads + glutes | 28-Aug-2017
Hip Extension Thrust (band), Ball Squat (static endurance), Single Leg Ball Squat, One Leg Ball Wall Squat
Using the TRX for Rehab | 25-Aug-2017
Push Ups (TRX), I Arm Row (TRX), Plank to side plank (TRX), One leg squat (eccentric – TRX)
Lateral loading for advanced knee rehab | 22-Aug-2017
Skier Squat, Lateral step up, BOSU side step, BOSU side jump
Lumbar Spine Disc Injury Prevention Ex | 16-Aug-2017
McKenzie extension in prone lying, Sustained extension on elbows, Lumbar rotation, Lumb-pelvic traciton (band), Assisted Lumbo-pelvic traction (prone)
Progressing knee rehab with band resistance | 11-Aug-2017
Physio Lunge (band), Single Leg Deadlift (band), Step Down (band), Lateral Step Up (band)
Scap + rotator cuff prep for shoulder training | 08-Aug-2017
Trigger point ball release, Scapula press - 1 arm in 4 point (plus band), 1 Arm Scapula Row, 1 Arm Scapula Press (wall), Shoulder extension (band), External rotation (band)
Glute release and hip mobility | 04-Aug-2017
Glutes - foam roller, Glutes - trigger point ball, Glute stretch wall, Glutes - one leg straight, Hip ER (pigeon - table), Hip ER (pigeon - floor)
VMO / Quads Activation pre-exercise | 31-Jul-2017
VMO Banded TKE (Total Knee Extension), ITB Foam Roller, Step down, Quadriceps kneeling stretch, One Leg Ball Squat, Physio Lunge
The 4 Core Fundamentals | 25-Jul-2017
Clams, Glute Bridges, 4 Point Arm + Leg Raises, Side Planks (knees)
Upper + Lower Body Band and Mobility Circuit | 21-Jul-2017
Lats Mobility (Foam Roller), 1 Arm Pull Down (band), Banded Push ups, QL / Extensor mobility stretch, Romanian deadlift (band), Standing band single leg press