K1 | TKE - Extension and Raise

This exercise is an advancement of the squeezes exercise and further helps to activate and strengthen the quadriceps muscles, in particular VMO (Vastus Medialis Oblique). It also helps to encourage full active extension of the knee which is crucial to regain after knee surgery or trauma. Full knee extension is a very important part of daily function such as standing and gait.

Demonstration and Instructions

Sit with your legs out in front and place a rolled towel or foam roller under your knee. Straighten your knee by pushing the back of your knee down into the towel. Dorsi-flex your foot (pull your toes back towards you) and slowly raise your heel off the floor whilst continuing to squeeze your knee down onto the towel. Clench (squeeze) the quads, feeling for the VMO muscle pushing out against your fingers. Hold for 10 sec / Release for 5 sec.

Special Notes
Progression: Once you have mastered squeezing and straightening your leg you can try raising your leg straight up in the air and holding it for 10 sec ("straight leg rasie"). Do NOT raise if you have a QUADS LAG - this is where you can not lift your leg without it bending slightly as your foot leaves the ground.

Exercise Education Videos

Progression Levels