K4 | Box Jump (Rotation)

This exercise is used to challenge your dynamic stability and also your knee under torsional load. It requires you to stabilise your pelvis, hip and knee during a very dynamic movement which is essential for return to sports and is important particularly during end stage ACL rehab. It helps to activate and strengthen your superficial and deep glutes as well as your quads and tests your knees ability to turn and land.

Demonstration and Instructions

Choose a box that is the right height for you (if you are unsure, start low and work up to higher boxes as you progress). Stand with feet hip width apart facing side on to box, switch on glutes and thighs, and use arms to propel you as you jump and turn at the same time, landing facing head on to the box. Try to control your landing by bending knees and attempting to land as quietly and as controlled as you can. Ensure knees dont roll in. Finish off by standing straight once you have landed and are steady.

Exercise Education Videos

Progression Levels